Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Most Brilliant Grocery Shopping Tips of All Time

Want to be a smarter grocery shopper? Then you’ve clicked on the right story! In this list, you’ll find the most brilliant secrets to saving money, cutting down on waste, finding the best groceries, and having a more enjoyable time at the grocery store. Because we all have to grocery shop — and it may as well be pleasant (dare we say fun, even?) and not a stressor on our lives or our budgets.
Here are the 30 smartest grocery shopping tips of all time.

1. Be careful with coupons.

THEY’RE A TRAP. (Kind of.) If you’ve scored a coupon for something you always buy, then by all means, use it. But if you are clipping coupons for the sake of clipping coupons and subsequently add 20 things to your list that you wouldn’t have bought otherwise, you’re not saving … you’re spending!

2. Learn the dating system.

Don’t pass up deals because you get tripped up between the “sell-by” and the “use-by” dates. If something is on sale and today is its “sell-by” date, chances are, it’s still totally fine! That’s not a safety date and you can use the product after the sell-by date.

3. If you forget your list, try wandering the aisles.

You know that grocery list that you carefully compiled earlier today … and then immediately left on the kitchen table? According to researchers, the best thing to do if you’ve left your list behind is to wander to aisles. It will eventually spark item recognition. Pretty cool right?

4. Look for the clearance section.

Often when we shop in clothing stores, the first place we head to is the sale rack. So how come we don’t do the same in the grocery store? Chances are, your local supermarket has a clearance section, featuring various markdowns of the week. Start there to see which items you can check off your list and then make your way around the rest of the store for the rest.

5. Do some simple math to decipher the price tag.

If you’re not super brand-loyal or just want to make sure you’re getting the best price, consider doing some math. Instead of just looking at the price tag, divide the price by the units and compare to the other options on the shelf. Buy whatever is cheapest by the unit to get the most bang for your buck.

6. Prioritize a plant-based menu.

Some of the store’s priciest options are behind the meat and seafood counters, so if you’re looking for a place to save, those are the heavy-hitters. You’ll instantly see a drop in your grocery bill if you pick a few nights a week for veggie-focused meals. It’s a strategy that some of our favorite nutritionist experts highly recommend.

7. Sign up for the loyalty card.

If you don’t have a rewards card for your most-frequented grocery store, there’s a 100 percent chance that you’re missing out on major savings. Do yourself a favor and seek it out. It only takes 30 seconds to sign up and is almost always free.

8. Shop your fridge/pantry/freezer first.

Before you make your list, take inventory of what you already have in stock. This is as simple as looking through your fridge, pantry, and freezer to see what you have to work with. Make a meal plan and add what you need from there.

9. Track your spending.

The smartest way to grocery shop is to make a budget and stick to it. Fact: If you treat your grocery budget like a challenge to conquer, the process can actually be kind of fun. Don’t just take our word for it. Here’s what Associate Food Editor, Meghan Splawn, learned after meticulously tracking her family’s spending.

10. Don’t pay for pre-packaged convenience.

It can be tempting to purchase pre-chopped, pre-sliced, pre-portioned, pre-packed ingredients, because they’re just so darn easy, but that convenience comes with a price. One of our writers did a cost breakdown and found that, in some cases, it can DOUBLE the price. Not worth it!

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